Because we are past our due date (which was February 14th) we had to go in for an ultrasound to check out fluid and anatomy of baby. The ultrasound technician, Julia, tells us that the measurements indicate a birth weight of 9 pounds 7 ounces (plus or minus a pound). We are hoping for the minus side of that :).
The waiting room was very entertaining. A woman with very loud head phones snored through her wait. A family of 6 had a gregarious girl, age 5ish, who could recite every word of the Scooby Doo episode she watched.
We also got to do a non stress test. I got a belly belt with two sensors. One to hear the heart rate and one to project some beeps at varying levels that the baby could hear. The idea was to see if the baby reacted with elevated heart rate or movement or both and when calm and not moving that the heart rate fell appropriately. We passed with flying colors and get to go back in two days to do it all again if we can't find the eject button.
Tomorrow we have a midwife appointment. It was supposed to be today but our midwife is delivering another baby today :). We sure were hoping it would be our baby that was being delivered today.
Research, which I have way too much time to do right now btw, indicates that the average first time pregnancy goes 8 days past term. To quote the grandmomster to be, 8 DAYS!!!!

We took a long walk in Inwood Hill Park hoping to encourage the baby to come out and play.
1 comment:
My first- Clare- was exactly 8 days late. Here's hoping that you're on the short end of average!
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