Saturday, March 17, 2012

Six months?!?!

I can't believe it has been over six months since my last post. The parents who told us that 2 kids mean more than twice the work are right :). I think I kept waiting to post until after I wrote our birth story but that is requiring more time than I thought so I'll skip it and come back to it. The went well and recovery was way easier than the first time around :).

So Veronica Rae Velez is growing so fast and is so excited to catch her big brother that she is sitting really strongly and insisting that we walk her around by holding her hands pretty much all the time now. She already has two cute bottom teeth and is a voracious eater. She got so clearly insulted when we ate in front of her that we started feeding her avocado at 4 months instead of 6 months as we did with Ramon (though for him it was blueberries to start).

She is also quite the talker (and screamer...just check out this video):

I also swear that she is a very clear sleep talker. In the middle of the night I once woke to hear her say very clearly, "Veronica!" Then she rolled over and went back to sleep.

Ramon is very sweet to her as well. When she first came out and was crying he went to get his Spiderman toy and tried to give it to her. "This will make her happier," he said. One of his favorite things to do is to make her smile and laugh.

The sweetness is balanced out by the occasional, "Can you put her back in your belly?" Especially when she is crying while he wants attention.

1 comment:

Lonne said...

Great post! Love that you're back to it:) I've missed it and all of you very much.