Wednesday, June 16, 2010


It has been forever since I posted. So much has been happening so quickly that it will be a while before I get caught up :).

We spend a lot of time in Isham Park. There are always gobs of kids and great piles of toys to run off with. It seems like Ramon touches every wheeled item in the park at least once every time we go. He especially likes the mini kickboards (little scooters with two wheels up front instead of one). Last week I was talking to another mommy and she was saying that her 13 month old girl figured out how to ride one. She gets up on it and totally kicks one leg out to move. I was very impressed. I said that Ramon didn't do that. He kind of pushes 'em around and tips 'em over to play with the wheels. So I turned to throw Ruta's ball cuz he barked at me and this mommy says, "Uh, should see this..." Ramon made a liar out of me...he was totally riding somebody's kickboard. And now he has his own :).

I'm still figuring out how to use the camcorder function on my HTC Incredible so the video is sideways...but here you go :).

And another...

1 comment:

Aunt Karen said...

So need a pictureo a kickboard. Try as I may I just can't get it in my mind how it works. Just another name for a scooter? Go Ramon Go!