Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's been a loooong time

We have been slow to post with all the holiday travel and fun. Ramon is also entranced by my computer so whenever it comes out suddenly i have a very clingy shadow :). Right now he is enjoying his frog humidifier. He has turned it all the way up and is trying to catch the mist. Then he put his head in it and shook it and giggled like he was enjoying a nice hot shower. Another fun activity in his room that is not quite childproofed enough is taking all the wipes out of the wipe warmer and then attacking the walls with them...the blood spots from when Imba bit Ruta's ear are still there and apparently don't come off no matter how many wipes you clean them with.

Last night he totally confused me. He came crawling out of his room with his blanket in his hands and a pacifier in his mouth. He looked very proud of himself but it was 5:45...not bed time. So I thought, well maybe he's tired and wants to go to bed early. We nursed and got his room all "bedified" and then he started yelling at me 10 minutes later....NOT bed time apparently (no, he didn't say that..he just cried..i interpreted :)). He was just practicing his new ability to get his own blanket out of his crib and crawl around with it :).

He has been enjoying cruising around holding on to furniture and toys with less and less reliance. He now enjoys hand holding walks around the apartment too. Once or twice he has stood for a few seconds on his own. But he seems to enjoy crawling so much I don't think he'll be walking around very soon. His cousin, Mia, on the other hand sounds like she might go directly to walking like I did.

Now he is chasing a tube of aquaphor around our bedroom. The air filter has fun buttons to push so he turns that off regularly and he just figured out he can push the air filter around so around and around it goes :).

Oh, and the nap "unschedule" has become even less scheduled. He gave up morning nap for a week and now there are 2 hour morning naps all of a sudden...and they start anywhere from 8:30 to 10:30 in the morning....I am having a hard time following :). Night time sleep is plateauing at 2 to 3 wakeups for a boobie night cap. Ray and I toyed with the idea of getting serious about doing some kind of low key sleep training....ummmm...yeah, maybe that will happen someday. I guess this is what happens when the boobs don't have to go to work the next day :).

1 comment:

Lonne said...

Enjoyed the update:-) So many new experiences~~~so much to learn~~~so much fun to be had;-)