Ramon weighs about double Veronica...he's 36 lbs and she's 17lbs 13 ounces. He is 41.25 inches tall and she is 27 inches. He is well above 95% in height and around 75% in weight. She is 75% for both height and weight. Vaccinations knocked Veronica out at first but then gave her a fever and diarrhea last night and into today. It is only a mild fever but made her really cranky last night. She is happier today but still pooping a lot.
We go back in two months for another Veronica visit.
I learned two new things. The reason bananas sometimes cause constipation is that they are high in pectin...the stuff that makes jelly and thickens fruit pies also thickens poo :). Until about age 6 kids stand arched. So Ramon measured 41.25 inches lying down but 39 inches standing. Around 6 they straighten out a bit. Our doctor loves facts and figures and reading research. He is a talker and a teacher...Doctor Charles Gordon, MD on Cabrini Blvd in Manhattan in case you are looking :).