Sunday, August 14, 2011

Home birth still a go

Ultrasound on Monday shows the placenta is much further away from the cervix than its 8 mm at 20 weeks. So we are still low risk enough to continue with our home birth plans. Of course to find that out the doctor had to coax the baby to move his/ her head off of the cervix...s/ he was already well lodged into pelvis...a little sore after that :-) . The ultrasound tech was also surprised to announce that baby is already around 7 pounds. I wasn't so surprised....Ramon was 8 lbs 15 oz. At projected half a pound per two weeks growth that still makes this baby smaller while I was counting on at least a 9 pounder. I am still confused about why birth weight still seems to scare folks when research has shown it has little to do with birth complications...seems like head circumference would be a better indicator of possible concern...but only if we could get a better handle on pelvic room during labor. Our bodies continue to surprise the doctors in their ability to make room for babies :-) . The medical community default freak out about babies nearing the 9 pound mark is one of the reasons I'd like to avoid the hospital this time around if at all possible.

Getting closer! Almost at 37 week full gestation mark! Yay!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Any day now, huh?

Seems like I am hearing "any day now, huh?" a lot as I wander the neighborhood with Ramon. So it made me wonder how my 32 week belly compares to my Ramon labor day belly. Here are pictures of both:

Belly 32 weeks IMG_0537
So even though I feel 8 weeks more pregnant now than I did with Ramon. These photos show that I am not...I was definitely bigger on Ramon's labor day. :)

"any day now, huh?" is not the best greeting for a pregnant woman, btw....especially one with 8 more weeks left. My favorite was the random woman who passed Ramon and I on the way to the Natural History Museum a few weeks ago, "Looking gorgeous, mama!" Now even if she was lying through her teeth it made me grin and glow in response :). Another one for a good chuckle was the daddy yesterday who looked at me, gasped, pointed at my belly and said, "Is that new?"

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Little Brudder or Seester

The other night as Ramon talked himself to sleep I heard him say,
Hey down there...I didn't mean to scare you!!
My little brudder or seester.

I asked him the next morning if he had been talking to the baby in the belly and he said, "Yes!" and pointed to his own belly.

Here are pictures of the baby in mommy's belly

This is at 21 weeks

This one is more like 9 weeks

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Riding the Magic Carpet

IMAG0181 Ramon took three rides on the magic carpet today at Belleayre. It was a pretty sunny spring day and lots of fun.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ramon's First Ski! Woohooo....


Ramon got out there on the skis that he's been playing with in the house and it looked like he had a lot of fun. He likes using the poles, which will probably go away when we head to the mountain. The poles are useful for hanging in snow. Daddy really liked the harness.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ramon and Mommy making music

As you can see the dogs in the audience loved the music...

Haircut time

Ramon and Daddy got haircuts at Ray's Barber in Inwood. Ray's is an awesome traditional barber shop and Ray rocks. Definitely knows how to help toddler's get comfortable with haircuts. It even looks like the dreadlocks are gone.

It started like this...

The middle was like this...

And we got a great haircut

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I love Buzz!

Ramon has been saying that he loves Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story) for a long while now. He hugs him and carries him around and sleeps with him. So when Ray heard that Ramon had said, "I love you," to me he said..."Wow, so Mommy is as cool as Buzz now?"

Ramon after thinking for maybe a split second promptly responded, "No!"

Friday, January 14, 2011

I love you!

Earlier this week as I was pushing Ramon out of the front door in his stroller he looks up at me and says, "Hi!" Then a pause for a Hi back from me before he says, "I love you!" Then today he crawls up on my lap to eat his snack and I hug him and say, "I love you!" His reply, "I love you, too!" with a lilt that says..."duh!"

Too cute!