Wednesday, August 18, 2010's what's for breakfast

Yesterday Ramon and I went to the Bronx Zoo. On the drive over Ramon started asking for hummus. Uh oh. It is New York but even here in New York the zoos don't sell hummus for lunch. So I happily fed him whatever else we had and we decided to try the zoo anyway. We had a great time. The children's zoo was particularly exciting. Click on the picture below to see the full zoo photo set :).


Now that Ramon is talking the zoo was so much more exciting. He got to chant "animals...animals." He said "peacock" over and over. He ran up to a turtle yelling its name. He got to say "cock-a-doodle-doo" to a rooster wandering freely among the tourists. It was great fun.

Then he got tired and when I asked if he wanted to see more animals or go home for hummus he said, "home...hummus!" He was feeling so hummus deprived that he even had hummus with his oatmeal for breakfast this morning.