Saturday, May 22, 2010

new is up and running

The new website is up and running for business. We used squarespace and it worked out pretty well. Reminded me a lot of hosted wordpress, but with fewer plugins and a little easier to work with. Check it out.

Monday, May 17, 2010

awesome book on how to ride a bike

A wonderful book. Ramon has been playing with the push bike we got him and he's definitely starting to warm up to it. I think going at his pace is key. Peter's story will help us keep in mind the key principles and daddy's two favorite principles - keep it fun and a bit of speed is helpful:). Thanks Oliver!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Looking in the Catskills

We've been checking out places in the Catskills. I think we found a place we liked and Ramon and Ruta really liked it. Our offer is accepted, so hopefully soon we can be spending more time up in the beautiful Catskills.