Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ramon's First Haircut

We got Ramon his first haircut yesterday at Ray's Barber in Inwood. Ray did a pretty awesome job and Ramon looks great. Ramon even was distracted enough that he was okay with the cut. We got some iPhone pics and video;). Ray gave us a cool First Haircut certificate too!


Stats from the 1 year checkup

Here's the 1 year checkup card from Ramon's doctor visit.

Ramon Leon 1 Year Checkup

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Flying over the Rockies, very beautiful

Here's a video of flying over Rockies with some Colorado blue sky in the background. Let the video buffer before viewing, so watch the gray bar line to the right of the play button and wait till it goes all the way to the right.

Plane ride over the rockies from Raymond Velez on Vimeo.

Heading to Durango

Ramon had lots of fun early in the morning crawling around Newark airport. Seemed like everyone was heading skiing for the president's day week.

Ramon in Newark Airport, heading to Durango, CO from Raymond Velez on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mia and Shaun are visiting!

Mia and Shaun are visiting. Mia and Ramon took a bath together and had a blast.