Sunday, July 19, 2009

Congrats to Amanda and Erika the graduates

Congratulations to all the 8th grade graduates. Happy times

Ramon's First Swim

We had fun swimming at Amanda and Erika's graduatoin party. Ramon even got to swim for the first time. Mommy really liked his cool new waterproof diapers we picked up on the way to the party:). P7180085 The rest of the pictures are here.

Gunca Cott's Visit

We got to spend lunch with Gunca Cott at Bryant Park on Thursday, July 16th. Ramon really liked his beard:). See the rest of the photos here


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A toof!

The elusive teeth have been photographed!!
The first one showed up on Ramon's 3 month birthday...May 21st. The second appeared somewhat later. He seems to be drooling up a storm again so there are others creeping up on us.

Ramon can roll onto his tummy from his back but so far has no interest in going the other way :).

He can sit in his high chair...kinda :).

He has also started to really enjoy sleeping in his crib instead of on mommies lap or in a sling on mommies tummy :).

He still likes eating his toes in whatever position he can get them.