Sunday, May 31, 2009


ramon is extremely talented. he has learned to make friends by sticking out his tongue.
he can bring toys and blankets to his mouth for licking and chomping. he has two teeth on the bottom but they are camera shy so far.
ever since grand momster introduced his mouth to his toes he has been obsessed. we still have to bring them to his mouth for him but now he can grab them!

Friday, May 29, 2009

yay! new kitchen!

kitchen renovations are done. when we went to richmond to see mia when she was born we came back to a kitchen that looked like this...
P1010894 Stitch

then when cabinets and counters were installed...
P1010922 Stitch

more lived in photos to come....with orange dishes and orange bar stools :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Total nerd

Yes, poor Ramon's mommy is a total nerd. This probably doesn't surprise anyone reading this but here is the latest proof of my nerdiness. I discovered this cool site for tracking sleep, nursing, diapers and such....and the kicker is I am UPDATING it :).

You can check out Ramon's stats here:
use password ramonfamily to get in :).

Friday, May 15, 2009

Realbirth Class Reunion

I made it out to my first official mommy gathering on April 28...a reunion with our childbirth class cohort. Ramon soaked it all up and enjoyed staring at other mommies...not too into babies yet. He took a nap and ate and cooed and we all chatted about mommyhood. I found out how to feed in the baby bjorn which I tried later in Inwood Hill Park and at the Northface Endurance Challenge. It works but is not terribly discreet :).
Birthing Class Kids
Ramon, Emmett and Henry got to lay next to each other and flail into each others appendages. Ramon is the youngest in this group of big boys. Henry was born 2/11, Emmett (fire hydrant shirt) 1/20.